Dear CoinW users,
The rewards of HAIC listing promotion and the eleventh serial promotion and the airdrops for ONT and holders have all been distributed. Details are as follows:
Serial Promotion 11: Verified users who bought MIX on CoinW during the promotion have all got 1% rebates of MIX net buying amount.
HAIC Listing Promotion: CoinW has distributed 2000 HAIC and 1000 USDT to users who traded HAIC during the promotion according to the net buying ranking and those who ranked top 100 in trading amount have all got 50% trading fee refunds. The first verified users who bought over 100 HAIC at 21:00(UTC+8) every day during the promotion have got 100 HAIC rewards. The HAIC holders have shared 1000 HAIC and 500 USDT according to their daily average HAIC balance.
ONG Airdrop to ONT Holders: ONG airdrops have been distributed to ONT holders in CoinW according to the snapshot of ONT total holding volume from Sep 23rd to Oct 6th. The airdrop ratio is 1 ONT=0.000432 ONG every day and airdrop will be distributed every two weeks.
VTHO Airdrop to VET Holders: VTHO airdrops have been distributed to VET holders in CoinW according to the snapshot of VET total holding volume from Sep 23rd to Oct 6th. The airdrop ratio is 1VET=0.000432 VTHO every day and airdrop will be distributed every two weeks.
Users who participated can check the airdrop history in your accounts. Thank you for your support!
CoinW Team
Oct 10, 2019
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