DearCoinW users,
The rewards of MIX listing promotion and the ninth serial promotion and airdrops for ONT and VET holders have been successfully distributed. The details are as follows:
SerialPromotion 9: Verified users who bought XLM on CoinW during the promotion have all got 1% rebates of their XLM net buying amount.
MIXListing Promotion: CoinW has distributed 10000 MIX according to users’ net buying ranking and users with 10000 MIX trading amount or more during the promotion have got 50% of trading fees refunded. All users who held MIX during the promotion have got 2% rebates of their MIX holding amount.
ONGAirdrop to ONT Holders: ONG airdrops have been distributed to ONT holders inCoinW according to the snapshot of ONT total holding volume from Sep 9th to Sep 22nd. The airdrop ratio is 1ONT=0.000432 ONG every day and airdrop will be distributed every two weeks.
VTHOAirdrop to VET Holders: VTHO airdrops have been distributed to VET holders inCoinW according to the snapshot of VET total holding volume from Sep 9th to Sep 22nd. The airdrop ratio is 1VET=0.000432VTHO every day and airdrop will be distributed every two weeks.
Users who participated can check the airdrop history in your accounts. Thank you for your support!
CoinW Team
Sep 26, 2019
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