Currently, the delete account feature is only supported on the app. You can follow the steps below to proceed:
- Open the CoinW app, go to the homepage, click on the 【Account Icon】 in the top left corner.
- Click on 【Security Center】 - 【Delete Account】 to enter the interface for delete an account.
- To ensure the security of your funds, delete account should:
① The total assets of the account must not exceed 5 USDT.
② Cannot bind HPY or API.
③ The account must not have any pending orders or open orders.
If any of the conditions are not met, the account cannot be deleted. If the above conditions are met, you can proceed with the delete account operation.
- Follow the instructions on the interface and proceed with the operations accordingly:
- After the application is successful, please contact customer service online to submit the delete account materials for successful delete account.
- After successfully deleting your account, your phone number, email, and KYC information will be unbound and reset. You will not be able to use this UID account again. However, you can register a new account and use the KYC information to complete the account verification.