ZigZag(ZZ) Project Analysis
1. Institute Review
ZigZag is available on zkSync 1.0. zkSync is an L2 extension and privacy engine on Ether. Its current scope of functionality includes low-gas transmission on ZigZag DEX. zigZag's token is a native protocol token that aggregates all fees paid to the ZigZag protocol.
2. Recent breakout points
Zksync ecology + leading DeFi
3. Project Description
ZigZag is a decentralized unmanaged order book exchange powered by zk-rollups that uses zero proof of knowledge and on-chain data availability to keep users' money safe as if they never left the main network.
4. Token Role
Governance Voting
Project path: 3Q2022 ZigZag launch on zkSync 2.0
Release on StarkNet in 3Q2022
ZigZag to launch on L2 StarkNet in Ether.
Mammoth to launch on StarkNet Alpha's mainnet in 3Q2022
5. Token economic model
Total supply of tokens 100 million, ID0 release of 2 million. This is also the first ID0 for the zkSync ecosystem.
57% Treasury (including supply for further public offerings), 1% Strategic Partners, 30% Founding Team (unlocked from November 2022), 10% linear monthly vesting for 24 months , Insurance Fund 10, 2% IDO (first round of public offerings)
6. Project Highlights
Zigzag is the equivalent of Uniswap on zkSync, Zigzag is an unmanaged order book exchange platform and one of the zkSync pioneers. zigzag's ETH/USDC pairs generated $3.9M in 24-hour trading volume. The current TVL is $2.5 million, with the main volume in Uniswap. as the zkSync 2.0 mainnet is going live at the end of the month. The recent attraction of a number of people to interact with zkSync, that can not avoid ZigZag. The ZigZag team's part of the ZZ will be unlocked soon, and the time coincides with the zkSync 2.0 mainnet go-live time. From ZigZag's point of view, ZK- Rollup is the final solution, which is expected to solve the debate on the scalability flaws of Ethernet.
7. Community
36300 Twitter followers and 22,000 discord members
8. Future Outlook
zksync official into Swap, zksync1.0 mainnet only can run Dex, get Argent wallet L2 use, lower cost. Compared to Optimistic Rollup, ZK-Rollup is not as susceptible to economic attacks as Optimistic Rollup because the state is immediately verified and sent to L1. Before the launch of the token, the project did not charge any fees, and the gas used by zkSync's network, about $0.10 per swap, was the only fee traders had to pay. The only fee traders have to pay is about $0.10 per exchange. ZK-Rollup is an advanced form of Ether scaling technology that will bundle transactions on Ether L2, enabling faster transactions and almost negligible fees.
Basic Information
Project Description: ZigZag is an Ether L2 decentralized exchange based on ZK-Rollup (Zero Knowledge, ZK). ZigZag Exchange multi-chain ecosystem of ERC-20 governance tokens.
Full token name: ZigZag
Token Name: ZZ
Project website: https://info.zigzag.exchange/
Project Documentation: https://blog.zigzag.exchange/
Block Query:
Liquidity Query.
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